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121 Why High Performers Meditate, How They Do It, And How You Can Too: Visualization Mental Practice And Quiz Inside This Episode
Visualization Mental Practice And Quiz Inside This Episode. In this episode, we explore the research behind why meditation helps high-performing athletes and performers boost their skills. We’ll cover different types of meditation and mental training techniques that can be used right before competition or performance to alleviate anxiety and negative thoughts. THERE’S also a quiz inside to see how good you are at mentally visualization practices, a technique used by high performers.
119 Why Healthy Habits Need To Start As Young As Possible: Primordial Prevention
In this week's episode, Dr. Juna discusses the different types of disease prevention - tertiary, secondary, primary, and primordial. She explains what each type means, focusing especially on primordial prevention and the importance of establishing healthy habits from a very young age. Main discussion points: - Definitions of tertiary, secondary, primary, and primordial prevention - Starting healthy lifestyle habits early, especially in childhood, can have lifelong benefits - Healthy habits positively impact wellness, performance, energy levels, and happiness
122 Replay of How to Shift Mindsets to Motivate Healthy Behaviors with Dr. Beth Frates, President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and Award Winning Teacher at Harvard Medical School
We all have a tendency to regress to unhealthy behaviors, especially when we're under stress. In this episode Dr. Beth Frates, President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, advises us on how to practice self-awareness so that our moment to moment decisions and behaviors align with our best selves.
117 Highest Potential: How to Stop Overreacting
Ever overreact? If you're like me, you've had your fair share of regrets. We all have times when we overreact, and most of the time, it's not in our best interest. So how do we slow down and get more control over our own reactions?
In this episode, my awesome friend Fiona Murden joins me to discuss the reactionary brain and what steps we can take to decrease overreacting. We're going to talk about evidence-based exercises that we can do to train ourselves to gain control over our habitual reactions to situations and people.
116 Four Basic Tools for Learning How to Fail Well According to Amy Edmondson, Author of "Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well"
What are the four basic tools that we can master in order to fail well? This is a follow-up episode to highlight my interview with Amy Edmondson, Harvard Business School Professor and author of "Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well". Grab a pen and paper and let's practice failing well together!
115 Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well with Dr. Amy Edmondson of Harvard Business School
If you're human, then you've felt the disappointment of failure. Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School, helps us reframe the concept of failure, both in our personal and professional lives by sharing her research backed insights.
Whoever you are in the world, this episode will help you discover intelligent failure so that you can limit preventable failures, stress and thrive.
114 How To Create New Habits To Change Anything In Your Life With Leo Babauta Of Zen Habits
Want to change your habits and create massive transformations in your personal health, wealth, and relationships? In this episode of the MindBodySpace Podcast, host Dr. Juna interviews Leo Babauta, creator of the blog Zen Habits, which has millions of readers. Leo shares his amazing personal story of overcoming smoking, debt, unhealthy habits, and more in 2005 by slowly but surely making small changes.
82 McArthur Genius Recipient and Author of 'Grit' Angela Duckworth: Part I. On Parenting
You’ll be surprised to find out that according to research, two seemingly opposing components of parenting styles work best together. I'm so grateful to have Angela Duckworth as my guest on this podcast. You've probably heard her name before, because her TED Talk is one of the most watched TED talks of all time. She is also the author of the well known book on Grit, the power of passion and perseverance.
112 How to Decrease Anxiety and Get Focused in a Hyper Texting Digital World with Caitlin Begg
In today's digital age, where texting and emailing have become the norms of communication, it's important to consider the effects of asynchronous communication.. Caitlin (Caity) Begg, the founder of Authentic Social, shares her unique perspective on how to stay focused in a hyperconnected world.
Ep. 104 Compassion Teacher, Harvard Law and Divinity School Graduate Elizabeth Pyjov JD, Founder of Happiness Sangha
With 3 Harvard degrees, one being a Master's in Buddhist Studies, Elizabeth is the perfect person to show you how self-compassion can transform your life.
Ep. 33 Spiritual Rock Star Biet Simkin
The "way" we communicate to different people, is everything. Biet Simkin is definitely a unique voice in the meditation world.She is best known for modernizing the spiritual path and has been called the "Meditation Guru for the next generation.”